Friday, September 11, 2015

IntelliJ Feature Request: Find Escaped Strings

IntelliJ has some automatic String escaping built in.

IntelliJ automatic String escaping on copy/paste

Example: pasting TO IntelliJ
Write some code:
String s = "";
Then paste this sequence between the double quotes: <li><a href="#">
What you have is:
String s = "<li><a href=\"#\">";
IntelliJ intelligently escaped the double quotes for you.

Example: copying FROM IntelliJ
Select the string literal above, including the surrounding double quotes ("<li><a href=\"#\">"), and paste it into Notepad. What you get is exactly that.
Select the string content, excluding the double quotes (<li><a href=\"#\">"), and paste it into Notepad. What you get is the string unescaped: <li><a href="#">

That's pretty smart, and most always what I want.

IntelliJ automatic String escaping on search

Example: ctrl-alt-f searching for <li><a href="#"> does not find our code String s = "<li><a href=\"#\">";

Here's an idea for the IDEA team: how about a checkbox "Find escaped strings"?
Of course, in practice it'll get a bit more complicated than just handling the double quotes. Depending on the programming language. JavaScript has single quotes, there are regular expression and SQL escapes, etc. And I'd want to be careful with the search-and-replace functionality (or just not offer this feature there).


The Java editor has already proven that it can handle the escapes to the advantage of the developer. So why not extend to search?

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